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Sports Court Installation in Utah County, UT

Installing a pickleball or other type of sports court at your Utah County, UT property creates a fun and exciting environment. At Commodore Construction, our highly trained and experienced concreters have installed countless sports courts on commercial and residential properties throughout the area. Whether you’re looking for a full-size pickleball court or a half-size basketball court, we’re the experts you can trust. When you choose us for your installation, our concreters will help you design, plan, and install your concrete sports court installation. We’ll listen to your needs and ideas to ensure you receive exactly what you want. Schedule your consultation today.

What Are the Benefits of Installing a Sports Court?

Installing a new concrete sports court at your home or office offers numerous benefits. When you choose us, you can feel confident that we’ll complete the job on time using high-quality materials for a long-lasting and low-maintenance concrete court. Our concreters are always here to answer any questions you may have about the installation process or how to best maintain your new court.


One of the most significant advantages is having a court right on your property. You won't have to worry about finding the time to go to the courts, court time, or membership fees.

Become Active

Playing a sport is one of the most exciting ways to stay active. Whether playing with your kids or friends, you can spend more time outside.

Reduce Stress

Many studies have shown that regular exercise is one of the most significant ways to helping to reduce stress.

More Practice

Installing a personal court at home allows your child to hone their skills in the comfort of their home. Improving their game will help boost their confidence and prepare them for the next level of competition.

pickleball court in residential area

Install Your Concrete Sports Court Today

At Commodore Construction, we can install a wide variety of sports court sizes to fit your needs and space. Our knowledgeable and experienced team can create a unique, high-quality court with regulation boundaries to replicate in-game scenarios. As the community’s most trusted concrete installation company, we always ensure that each concrete installation meets and exceeds your needs. Contact our team today to get started with a project consultation.

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